Hi all!
This week’s blog is a follow up to one of the points raised in Matt’s previous post, specifically that there are no quick fixes to achieve your body composition goals. Whether your goal is to lose body fat or increase lean muscle mass, results do not happen overnight. Period! No ifs or buts. Unfortunately, there are many, including some of our own members, who expect significant change to how their bodies look immediately, not understanding it’s a long-term journey to achieve the body they desire. Expecting results too quickly is a sure way to lose motivation and fall off the bandwagon when these unrealistic expectations aren’t met. This, of course, is the last thing we want to occur. Remember, progress takes time, whether we like that or not. We are all prone to being impatient. Heck, I can be incredibly impatient when I’m stuck in Melbourne’s infamous traffic! However, as the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day and nothing worth striving for is easy. Embrace the grind that comes with working towards your body composition goals. If you stay the course and remain consistent with your training, you WILL enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Of course, there are ways to speed up the process towards your body composition goals that do not include fitness gimmicks or fad diets. At Max Results, we preach train four times per week and watch what you eat. Our motto reflects the importance of remaining consistent with your training and being diligent with your food – most of the time. Progress is very rarely linear, but being lackadaisical with your training and food is a sure way to stunt progress and your body composition goals will be even harder to achieve.
To finish, do not get discouraged if you’re not seeing a significant drop in the scales in the first few weeks of your training. As long as you’re holding up your end of the bargain, training consistently and fueling your body adequately relative to your body composition goals, the Max Results crew GUARANTEE that you’ll achieve the body you want in time. The formula is quite simple, but us humans tend to have complicated psyches that can make things more challenging for ourselves. Throughout your journey towards your ultimate end goal, try and focus on and celebrate the smaller wins that you achieve along the way. Perhaps you haven’t lost an unrealistic 5 kg in three weeks, but you can run for a longer period of time without stopping. Maybe the scales read the same as the previous week, but you’re lifting heavier than the week before. These wins may also include better stress and anxiety management, improved sleep, more energy, the list goes on. If you remain consistent, i.e. train a minimum of four times per week, these more shorter-term results will help you lay the groundwork for long-term fitness and body composition goals.
I hope you find this short blog post informative. Perhaps you see yourself in what I’ve discussed above. Remember, team, please don’t hesitate to come to us for any help or guidance, especially if you have any follow up questions regarding this week’s blog.
See you in the gym!